Jenn’s 1923 tudor
We began renovating our 1923 Tudor in June of 2016. Phase 1 of the renovation, which I lovingly refer to as “get me the C of O as quickly as humanly possible” was completed 6 months later and we moved into the home Decemeber 2016. We did not have a kitchen or anything but we had new plumbing, new electric, some new walls and some painted. Our floors were stained and we prioritized the children’s bedrooms. By April 2017 we had a functioning kitchen and by Fall of 2019, yes TWO PLUS YEARS MORE, we had the exterior and interior in great shape. Rikki Snyder , a fabulous interior photographer, came and shot the home in September of 2019. Below is the story of that time I ALMOST got printed in Better Homes and Gardens… while the editor never picked up the story I was blown away to be interviewed, photographed and believed in. This was a major milestone for me and just enough of a confidence booster to let me know I actually might have what it takes.